Field of software technology. See more Faculty of Information Technology Posts and Telecommunications Institute of Technology Ton Duc Thang University applies coaching and training techniques to enhance students selflearning awareness. Thereby students can fully cultivate and complete the knowledge and skills they learn at school meeting the needs of the domestic and foreign labor market. After graduating students can work in many stages of the software production process Thank you for watching and accepting. See more What do you do after graduating from Information Systems major Source thongtintuyensinh Source Category ADMISSION INDUSTRY SOFTWARE TECHNOLOGYADMISSIONS DEPARTMENT SHARE PREVIOUS POST Recruiting looking for jobs as a Phone Software Technician NEXT POST Which school should I study for management information systems major.
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What is software engineering Software engineering or software engineering English name Software Engineering is the application of a systematic disciplined and quantifiable approach to the development use and maintenance of software. . The software engineering major when studied will cover skills and knowledge tools and techniques for defining software needs and performing tasks in terms of design design construction and testing. software testing and maintenance. Software engineers must also use knowledge and skills from fields such as computer.