If you are here, it is because you are looking to know how to properly reference your website and you are therefore aware that SEO is essential for generating leads and gaining new customers . But believe me, the SEO of your website is even more important than you think. of BB decisionmakers conduct their purchasing considerations on the internet Today, decisionmakers no longer respond to sales calls and prefer to think about their purchase alone on the internet. If your website is not well referenced on Google and search engines, the decisionmaker will go to the competition.
You may be wondering why this change in purchasing behavior? The decisionmaker Albania WhatsApp Number now has at his disposal all the information he needs, just a click away, to understand his problem and get a clear idea of the solution he needs. Juggling all his priorities, he therefore prefers to think at his own pace and no longer appreciates being interrupted in his day by communications and commercial requests that he did not ask for. possible to properly rank your site on Google. But above all, it is essential to understand how Google works. How does Google Search work?
To put it simply, the Google search engine works in steps. how google works for SEO How Google works for your SEO First, Googles crawlers Google Bots scan web pages from URL to URL. Second, Google Bots then transmit all the scanned information the content of the pages to the Google indexing engine. At this stage, your site is indexed in Google it appears in search results. Many people confuse referenced and indexed. It is not because your website is not well referenced understand on the first page on Google that it is not indexed in the search engine. Third, Google, thanks to its numerous algorithms, assigns a relevance rating to each of the indexed pages. Fourth and final step using these relevance scores,