Case studies At this point, the sales team has already taken on the lead in an effort to close the sale. Marketing is there as tactical support. As the Salespeople guide that prospect, marketing can still offer automated content that reinforces the value of the product. A case study of a successful client will highlight specific figures, testimonials and reassure the prospect as to the products effectiveness. 21. Ambassador programs We have a lot of customers who love our product.
To do this, we can set Phone Number Data up ambassador programs to encourage our existing customers to offer our solution to their contacts. In practice, this encourages loyal customers to convince their network to join us in exchange for rewards: product previews, additional features, price reduction … 22. Highlight testimonials The customer is close, but people can often back out at the last moment.
Are we making the right choice? Have we thought of everything? In this phase, reassurance will always increase customer conversion. Peer group and social proof, proof that it works elsewhere, will help the prospect in their decision. 23. Onboarding Can conversion rates also be increased when a client has already signed-up? Yes of course. Not only can we transform existing customers into ambassadors for our brand.