Companies that appear too promotional in their SEO
Top of Funnel (ToFu) vs. Bottom of Funnel (BoFu) Despite the lower search volume, it is also worth optimizing for long-tail keywords because there are fewer competitors. This increases your chances of ranking. There is often a correlation between long-tail keywords and keywords close to conversion: If the user is looking for something very specific, he has already gone through the information process and is about to buy (BoFu / bottom of funnel). This idea is just a rule of thumb that cannot be generalized. The graphic of a funnel, divided into three segments: “Research phase”, “Interest” and “Decision phase.Bonus tips on search intent The search intention is not a sideshow While search engine HK Phone Number optimization is incredibly fun (assuming a certain level of nerd passion ), most SEOs pursue commercial goals for their own projects and/or those of their clients. Sometimes there is a conflict of interest between the requirements of Google (“this is what users want to see”) and the SEO client (“this is what users should buy”, or potentially even more dangerous: “this is what I want my website to be”). -focused content marketing or only touch on the search intent (but the page is actually about something completely different) are ruining their own online visibility.
Sometimes less is more: For conversion on a page with informational intent, a contact form on the side of the page or a link to a landing page may be enough, instead of rigorous sales communication with numerous call-to-actions. Sometimes more is more: Differently written pages sometimes perform better than one-sided reporting. Most products and services also have their disadvantages and limitations, there are alternatives for (almost) everything, and competitors also do a lot of things right. If it is part of the search intention to address these points, they should under no circumstances be left out or “bad-mouthed” in an undifferentiated manner - that would only cause unnecessary damage to EEAT, rankings and conversions.