The important thing is that you have
In this context, evaluating the progress you are making takes on great importance: it allows you to stay focused on your focus and to be motivated, step by step, when you see that you are getting closer to your goal. If, on the other hand, you notice that the strategic actions you have planned are not leading to the desired results, you can turn around as soon as possible and move on to plan B. A measurable objective answers questions such as: How will I understand where I am in my journey? How will I know if there are problems or if everything is progressing according to the Marketing Plan? How will I know I have achieved my goal? In the case of our example regarding the pizzeria and the increase in customers, we will ask ourselves: how will I keep track of how many customers I am welcoming into my business day after day? When will I know I have achieved my goal? Obviously, you can't afford to hand count every single customer who enters your pizzeria. You will have to find another method.Which could be? At site level you can take advantage of tools such as , but in everyday reality? You could, for example, give your business card to each customer. By knowing how many business cards you will deliver, you will know for sure how many customers come to eat pizza in your business every day.a starting point, that is, knowing how many customers you have had in the past, to be able to compare them with the number of customers today. This way, you will Iraq WhatsApp Number Data easily notice the progress you are making and where you are on your journey towards your goal. Achievable. This is the focal point of the process that allows you to set the objectives of your marketing strategy. We have repeated over and over in this article that it is essential to achieve objectives that are within the company's reach, realistic and not abstract. Setting the goal of increasing your turnover by 150% over the course of the year, you can easily understand, is not very credible. It's beautiful and right to be ambitious, but only up to a certain point.
Especially since setting a utopian goal can be doubly counterproductive for your business, as you will waste time and money trying to reach a goal that is not achievable and, moreover, you will demotivate the entire team. In fact, the staff needs to keep their initial enthusiasm intact, step by step, in order to be able to give their all. When you set objectives, you give a precise image of your company, its value and its collaborators: failing to achieve them can cause a loss of self-esteem and lack of motivation. For this reason, you must continue to stay grounded and set concrete and achievable goals. What questions should you ask yourself at this point? Here they are: How can I achieve this goal? How realistic is the goal, based on other constraints, such as financial factors? Does it require skills you don't have? To return to our usual example of the pizzeria, the time has come to understand if, in fact, increasing by 200 customers can be an achievable objective.