Content and never end up posting or splintering it.
Format Switching is when you repurpose an existing piece of content in a new format. You can switch a longform blog post into a checklist, change a carousel social media post into a PDF download and turn an email into a short YouTube video. Format switching is a great way to take your splintered content and get even more use. Heres how it works Write a Checklist LinkedIn Post Wait for days toyear. Switch that LinkedIn post into a short video clip and repost it to LinkedIn. CopyPaste CopyPaste is when you reuse existing content without changing it. This is standard practice on social media,Where creators will repost their bestperforming existing content without changing it after Algeria WhatsApp Number days. Heres how it works Create a social media post. Wait for days toyear. Copypaste the social media post without making changes and repost it. Hours Per Month Creating content shouldnt be your fulltime job unless you are a content creator. By following this framework, you can create your core content, splinter it, and fill in the gaps with Hygiene Content in about hours per month. Heres how Time Limit Most people waste hours trying to create the perfect piece of longform core.
Instead of letting perfectionism hold you back, set a time and only give yourself hour each month to create your core content. Thats it, and whatever you make in that hour is posted. Get in the reps first youll nail the process over time. Focus Time Distractions are a content creators worst enemy. Your phone notifications start blasting, and the creativity is gone. Block off two hours each month for content creation with no distractions, and youll be amazed at how much you accomplish. Templates One of the easiest ways to streamline this process is to use templates. Here are a few of my favorite templates that make this process a breeze. Its as simple as doing it once and optimizing the template as you go. Video speaking points template Video thumbnail Video captions Blog post templates Podcast description template Email templates Social media graphic templates